
🫑 Retrofit a wired doorbell to add WiFi and make it connected 🔔

power 16340
wireless WiFi
mcu ESP32-C3
ongoing since Oct 2023


Subsystem flow chart


  1. Bell or Doorbell - Push button on-board the PCB or a physical button beside the door
  2. Ding Dong - Bell audio that is played when the door bell is pressed

User Stories


As a host, I want to disable the ding dong sound within a configurable specified timeout (30s) so that I don't find it annoying to hear the same sound again and again while I get ready to open the door.

As a host, I want to hear ding dong sound should be heard when the doorbell is pressed so that I can know that someone is waiting outside.

As a host, I want to disable the ding dong sound during a configurable sleep hour (9pm to 9am) so that I don't want to be disturbed during my sleep hours.

As a host, I want to see a WiFi notification to Zapier so that I can know that someone is waiting outside even if I am not at home.


As a guest, I want to press the doorbell and hear the ding dong sound so that I can inform the hosts that I am waiting outside.


As a maintainer, I want to charge the battery so that the doorbell can be used again for a longer time.