PIO I2C Bus Scan with Pico

Updated on 2 November 2022
dev board RaspberryPI Pico
firmware C
firmware C++
chip RP2040
chip Si7021
chip VCNL4000
This tutorial is more than 1 year old. If the steps below do not work, then please check the latest versions and the documentations of the individual tools used.

Before starting


Ensure the following dependancies are downloaded and available:


Try these simpler or similar examples:

Buy the components


Download code pico-pio-i2c.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "pio_i2c.h"

#define PIN_SDA 16
#define PIN_SCL 17

bool reserved_addr(uint8_t addr) {
  return (addr & 0x78) == 0 || (addr & 0x78) == 0x78;

int main() {

  PIO pio = pio0;
  uint sm = 0;
  uint offset = pio_add_program(pio, &i2c_program);
  i2c_program_init(pio, sm, offset, PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL);

  while (true) {
    printf("\nPIO I2C Bus Scan\n");
    printf("   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F\n");

    for (int addr = 0; addr < (1 << 7); ++addr) {
      if (addr % 16 == 0) {
        printf("%02x ", addr);

      int result;
      if (reserved_addr(addr))
        result = -1;
        result = pio_i2c_read_blocking(pio, sm, addr, NULL, 0);

      printf(result < 0 ? "." : "@");
      printf(addr % 16 == 15 ? "\n" : "  ");



A photo of the actual setup.

PIO I2C Bus Scan with Pico prototype


Wire up the hardware accordingly

PIO I2C Bus Scan with Pico schematic

Serial console

Serial output from the firmware.

PIO I2C Bus Scan with Pico serial console


This example code does an I2C Bus Scan for the sensors Si7021 and VCNL4000 with PIO.

The datasheets of the 2 sensors below show that the serial monitor prints are in line with the information in the datasheet.

The I2C address for Si7021 is 0x40.

The I2C address for VCNL4000 is 0x13.
