
🌵 An indoor WiFi-connected temperature and humidity sensor 🍶

power LiPO
wireless WiFi
sensor Humidity
mcu ESP8266
battery life 1 month
bom items 36
bom cost USD $26.92
vendors 5
completed May 2019

Power overview

Power source

2000mAh LiPo battery

Battery life

1 month

Charging duration

12 hours
Remove the WeMos Battery shield from the board. Plug in the USB cable to the WeMos battery shield to charge. Red LED will be on while it is charging.Green LED will be on when charging is complete.

Power tree schematic

Edit power_tree_drawio.xml at

Power Tree schematic

Power consumption of main components

Chip # Chip Operating Voltage Active mode Modem-sleep mode Deep-sleep mode Total
ESP8266 WiFi based MCU 3.3V 170mA 15mA 10uA  
Si7021 Temperature / Humidity sensor 1.9V - 3.6V 150uA   60nA  
SN4HC595 Shift register 2V - 6V 60uA   1uA  
Total consumption     170.23mA 15mA 11.06uA  
  • Total duration: 30s.
  • Total duration in Modem-sleep mode: 10s x 12 = 120s.
  • Total duration in Deep-sleep mode: 4h.
  • Total charge in Active mode: 30/14400 * 170.21m = 0.354 mAs
  • Total charge in Modem-sleep mode: 120/14400 * 15m = 0.125mAs
  • Total charge in Deep-sleep mode: 14250/14400 * 11.06u = 0.011mAs
  • Total charge: 0.589mAs

Power calculation

3 power modes:

  1. Wakes up in Active mode for 30 seconds every 4 hours to read the sensor value and ping to cloud
  2. Wakes up in Mode-sleep mode for 10 seconds every 20 minutes to check whether the counter has reached the threshold
  3. Deep-sleep mode for the rest of the time, unless user button pressed

1200mAh battery will last for (1200/24/30) = 2.89 months

Measuring power

Mode Pins Voltage
Deep sleep 5V - GND on WeMos D1 mini 4.94V
Deep sleep Vin - GND on Si7021 breakout board 5V
Deep sleep Vcc - GND on 74HC595 chip 5V
Deep sleep EN - GND on 74HC595 chip  

Actual vs. calculated power

Periodic wakeup Calculated Actual Error %
6 hours 2.89 months 30 days ~300% ⁉️