Pass by Value and Reference with Arduino on ESP32-C3

Updated on 24 June 2024
dev board ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1
chip ESP32-C3-MINI-1-N4
features pass value reference pointer esp32c3

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Download code pass-by-value-reference-arduino-esp32c3.ino
// Demonstrates the difference between pass by value
// and pass by reference in C++ using Arduino ESP32-C3

void setup() {
  int originalValue = 5;

  Serial.print("Pass by Value: ");
  Serial.println(originalValue);  // Outputs 5

  Serial.print("Pass by Reference: ");
  Serial.println(originalValue);  // Outputs 10

  Serial.print("Pass by Reference with Pointer: ");
  Serial.println(originalValue);  // Outputs 15

void loop() {

void passByValue(int value) {
  value = 10;

// Linting error:
// Is this a non-const reference?
// If so, make const or use a pointer: int &value
void passByReference(int &value) {
  value = 10;

void passByReferenceWithPointer(int *value) {
  *value = 15;



.PHONY: default lint all flash clean

default: lint all flash clean

	cpplint --extensions=ino --filter=-legal/copyright,-runtime/references *.ino

	arduino-cli compile --fqbn $(BOARD) --output-dir $(BUILD) ./

	arduino-cli upload --fqbn $(BOARD) --port $(PORT) --input-dir $(BUILD)

	rm -r build


A photo of the actual setup.

Pass by Value and Reference with Arduino on ESP32-C3 prototype

Serial console

Serial output from the firmware.

Pass by Value and Reference with Arduino on ESP32-C3 serial console


This simple code the difference between pass by value and pass by reference in C++ using Arduino ESP32-C3.

Pass by Value

  • Syntax Simplicity: The syntax for passing by reference is straightforward and more readable compared to pointers.
  • Automatic Dereferencing: The function parameter is treated like an alias to the original variable, so you do not need to use the dereference operator (*).
  • No Null References: References must be initialized when declared, so you cannot have a null reference, which eliminates some potential runtime errors.

Pass by Reference

  • Syntax Simplicity: The syntax for passing by reference is straightforward and more readable compared to pointers.
  • Automatic Dereferencing: The function parameter is treated like an alias to the original variable, so you do not need to use the dereference operator (*).
  • No Null References: References must be initialized when declared, so you cannot have a null reference, which eliminates some potential runtime errors.

Pass by reference with pointers

  • Explicit Address Handling: You explicitly pass the address of the variable using the address-of operator (&) and use the dereference operator (*) to access and modify the value.
  • Null Pointers: Pointers can be null, providing flexibility but also the possibility of null pointer dereferencing errors.
  • C Compatibility: Pointers are compatible with C, making this method necessary when working in C or interfacing with C libraries.
Aspect Pass-by-Value Pass-by-Reference Pass-by-Reference with Pointers
Syntax int value int &value int *value
Usage Operates on a copy of the variable Direct access to variable Use of address-of (&) and dereference (*) operators
Modification Does not affect original variable Affects original variable Affects original variable
Initialization N/A Must be initialized Can be null
Readability Most readable, simplest More readable and less error-prone Requires explicit pointer handling
Compatibility Works in both C and C++ C++ only Works in both C and C++
Performance Copies data (may be slower for large data) No copying, efficient No copying, efficient

