Buy the components
#include <IRLibRecvPCI.h>
IRrecvPCI myReceiver(2); // Arduino UNO pin 2
void setup() {
Serial.println("Ready to receive IR signals");
Serial.println("Point the remote controller to the IR receiver and press!");
void loop() {
if (myReceiver.getResults()) {
Serial.println("Received IR signal:");
Serial.print(F("\n#define RAW_DATA_LEN "));
Serial.println(recvGlobal.recvLength, DEC);
Serial.print(F("uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN]={\n"));
for (bufIndex_t i = 1; i < recvGlobal.recvLength; i++) {
Serial.print(recvGlobal.recvBuffer[i], DEC);
Serial.print(F(", "));
if ((i % 8) == 0) {
.PHONY: default lint all flash clean
default: lint all flash clean
cpplint --extensions=ino --filter=-legal/copyright,-whitespace/line_length *.ino
arduino-cli compile --fqbn $(BOARD) ./
arduino-cli upload -p $(PORT) --fqbn $(BOARD)
rm -r build
This code dumps the raw IR code. This is useful when IR protocols are not defined for example, Mitsubishi Air conditioner model MSY-GE10VA.
Example of a raw dump:
uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN] = { 3418, 1742, 410, 1318, 410, 1314, 362, 506, 358, 510, 414, 450, 406, 1318, 362, 510, 354, 514, 354, 1370, 406, 1322, 406, 462, 354, 1366, 414, 454, 386, 478, 406, 1322, 418, 1302, 414, 458, 358, 1366, 410, 1318, 410, 462, 406, 462, 406, 1322, 354, 510, 410, 462, 358, 1366, 414, 450, 358, 510, 430, 438, 406, 462, 414, 450, 358, 510, 362, 506, 410, 450, 414, 458, 378, 494, 406, 458, 410, 462, 406, 466, 406, 466, 354, 510, 418, 458, 410, 450, 410, 454, 410, 462, 418, 450, 386, 1338, 410, 454, 414, 454, 406, 466, 358, 506, 410, 462, 418, 1306, 378, 1342, 422, 462, 358, 510, 402, 474, 386, 1338, 354, 1370, 354, 514, 414, 1310, 374, 490, 410, 462, 414, 462, 386, 482, 386, 478, 402, 1322, 386, 1338, 406, 462, 358, 1366, 410, 1318, 362, 510, 414, 454, 410, 454, 386, 482, 354, 514, 390, 1334, 358, 1362, 418, 1306, 358, 1370, 386, 482, 438, 438, 354, 506, 438, 438, 410, 450, 394, 1330, 358, 1366, 434, 1290, 406, 462, 358, 510, 402, 470, 410, 454, 410, 458, 434, 438, 402, 470, 354, 506, 410, 462, 414, 454, 414, 450, 414, 458, 402, 466, 406, 462, 386, 482, 410, 458, 410, 450, 410, 466, 410, 450, 414, 462, 418, 458, 410, 462, 410, 454, 414, 450, 414, 454, 354, 510, 386, 482, 354, 514, 414, 450, 410, 462, 418, 450, 402, 462, 414, 454, 434, 438, 406, 462, 406, 462, 386, 482, 406, 458, 390, 474, 414, 454, 406, 462, 414, 450, 410, 454, 414, 454, 414, 454, 378, 490, 354, 510, 402, 470, 402, 462, 386, 482, 414, 1306, 362, 1362, 418, 450, 378, 1346, 354, 1374, 414, 1306, 414, 454, 358, 1000};