IR Receive raw codes

Updated on 23 September 2022
dev board Arduino UNO
sensor infrared
features infrared IR receive raw
This tutorial is more than 1 year old. If the steps below do not work, then please check the latest versions and the documentations of the individual tools used.

Before starting


Ensure the following dependancies are downloaded and available:


Try these simpler or similar examples:

Buy the components


Download code ir-raw-receive.ino
#include <IRLibRecvPCI.h>

IRrecvPCI myReceiver(2);  // Arduino UNO pin 2

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Ready to receive IR signals");
  Serial.println("Point the remote controller to the IR receiver and press!");

void loop() {
  if (myReceiver.getResults()) {
    Serial.println("Received IR signal:");

    Serial.print(F("\n#define RAW_DATA_LEN "));
    Serial.println(recvGlobal.recvLength, DEC);

    Serial.print(F("uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN]={\n"));
    for (bufIndex_t i = 1; i < recvGlobal.recvLength; i++) {
      Serial.print(recvGlobal.recvBuffer[i], DEC);
      Serial.print(F(", "));
      if ((i % 8) == 0) {




.PHONY: default lint all flash clean

default: lint all flash clean

	cpplint --extensions=ino --filter=-legal/copyright,-whitespace/line_length *.ino

	arduino-cli compile --fqbn $(BOARD) ./

	arduino-cli upload -p $(PORT) --fqbn $(BOARD)

	rm -r build


A photo of the actual setup.

IR Receive raw codes prototype


Wire up the hardware accordingly

IR Receive raw codes schematic

Serial console

Serial output from the firmware.

IR Receive raw codes serial console


This code dumps the raw IR code. This is useful when IR protocols are not defined for example, Mitsubishi Air conditioner model MSY-GE10VA.

Example of a raw dump:

uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN] = { 3418, 1742, 410, 1318, 410, 1314, 362, 506, 358, 510, 414, 450, 406, 1318, 362, 510, 354, 514, 354, 1370, 406, 1322, 406, 462, 354, 1366, 414, 454, 386, 478, 406, 1322, 418, 1302, 414, 458, 358, 1366, 410, 1318, 410, 462, 406, 462, 406, 1322, 354, 510, 410, 462, 358, 1366, 414, 450, 358, 510, 430, 438, 406, 462, 414, 450, 358, 510, 362, 506, 410, 450, 414, 458, 378, 494, 406, 458, 410, 462, 406, 466, 406, 466, 354, 510, 418, 458, 410, 450, 410, 454, 410, 462, 418, 450, 386, 1338, 410, 454, 414, 454, 406, 466, 358, 506, 410, 462, 418, 1306, 378, 1342, 422, 462, 358, 510, 402, 474, 386, 1338, 354, 1370, 354, 514, 414, 1310, 374, 490, 410, 462, 414, 462, 386, 482, 386, 478, 402, 1322, 386, 1338, 406, 462, 358, 1366, 410, 1318, 362, 510, 414, 454, 410, 454, 386, 482, 354, 514, 390, 1334, 358, 1362, 418, 1306, 358, 1370, 386, 482, 438, 438, 354, 506, 438, 438, 410, 450, 394, 1330, 358, 1366, 434, 1290, 406, 462, 358, 510, 402, 470, 410, 454, 410, 458, 434, 438, 402, 470, 354, 506, 410, 462, 414, 454, 414, 450, 414, 458, 402, 466, 406, 462, 386, 482, 410, 458, 410, 450, 410, 466, 410, 450, 414, 462, 418, 458, 410, 462, 410, 454, 414, 450, 414, 454, 354, 510, 386, 482, 354, 514, 414, 450, 410, 462, 418, 450, 402, 462, 414, 454, 434, 438, 406, 462, 406, 462, 386, 482, 406, 458, 390, 474, 414, 454, 406, 462, 414, 450, 410, 454, 414, 454, 414, 454, 378, 490, 354, 510, 402, 470, 402, 462, 386, 482, 414, 1306, 362, 1362, 418, 450, 378, 1346, 354, 1374, 414, 1306, 414, 454, 358, 1000};

Example of the Apple TV 4th Gen remote

Example of the Roomba remote
